Wednesday, April 27, 2011


  Easter was rained out this year. My poor kids never got the chance to go outside for an Easter Egg Hunt. I tried to make up for it by having one in our house with some friends. Brendon while looking for eggs would only pick up the plain eggs . If they had a sticker or plastic around it he would pick it up and then put it back. The best reason I can come up with is that it is to much work to take the plastic or sticker off to get to the candy. He is such a funny kid!
  Easter Sunday was a great day. Brendon gave his first talk in primary. He did such a good job. I was a proud momma. After church we enjoyed our presents from the Easter Bunny and spent the day together as a family.

I tried to get some really cute pictures of the kids in their Easter clothes, but Brendon was not happy about it. He would not smile or sit long enough for a pictures. Most of the pictures are of Arianna. She did not mind posing for a few pictures.
                                                           Egg Hunt    

Easter Baskets

Mom and Dad's Basket

Brendon's Basket

Arianna' Basket

Easter Outfits

Playing with daddy

I grew up with the great tradition of the Red Plate. Whenever you do something special or have a Birthday you get  to use the red plate at dinner . I thought now would be a good time to start that tradition in our family. Brendon got to use the red plate after giving his amazing talk in primary.( He was more than happy to pose for this picture! Go figure.)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baseball Baseball Baseball

Brendon has always loved playing sports. He recently decided that he really likes baseball. Anthony loves baseball and played all through high school and in college until his mission. So I am not surprised that           Brendon has a natural talent and desire to play baseball. Brendon got his first mitt and baseball along with a tee ball bat ( that was 20 bucks might I add!) last week. He is now spending a lot of time in yard learning all  there is to know about playing baseball.

First Family Baseball game of the season. Brendon has been asking to go to a baseball game for months. He finally got to go. We all had a great time. Arianna loved being outside and danced to every song.  Brendon loved the ice cream and watching the game from grass. It doesn't get much better than a night out with the family enjoying a baseball game.

Our seats in the stands

Brendon at the bottom of the grass hill. He was hoping for a home run ball to come his way.

Arianna enjoying the grass. We walked up and down the hill many times.

The Naturals in the outfield