Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baseball Baseball Baseball

Brendon has always loved playing sports. He recently decided that he really likes baseball. Anthony loves baseball and played all through high school and in college until his mission. So I am not surprised that           Brendon has a natural talent and desire to play baseball. Brendon got his first mitt and baseball along with a tee ball bat ( that was 20 bucks might I add!) last week. He is now spending a lot of time in yard learning all  there is to know about playing baseball.

First Family Baseball game of the season. Brendon has been asking to go to a baseball game for months. He finally got to go. We all had a great time. Arianna loved being outside and danced to every song.  Brendon loved the ice cream and watching the game from grass. It doesn't get much better than a night out with the family enjoying a baseball game.

Our seats in the stands

Brendon at the bottom of the grass hill. He was hoping for a home run ball to come his way.

Arianna enjoying the grass. We walked up and down the hill many times.

The Naturals in the outfield


  1. Awesome! I love baseball too; one of my favs. :)
    That's so great that Brendan is loving the same sport that his daddy did/does.
    What fun family memories!

  2. How fun! We've been wanting to see the Naturals for a while now so next you go you'll have to tell us!
